Yesterday I was facing a problem that I don’t face many times: Something isn’t widely documented on the internet.
In this case it was about OpenVPN, the status of the server, per client, more specifically. After doing some searching on the internet I figured that OpenVPN isn’t used much, or that only pro’s use it and they write their own code anyway.
The only thing I found was a very basic(and non-working) PHP page from 2005, and a simple PHP script(also from 2005) that parses the logfile and shows the current status. I decided to base my script on that.
Before we start coding, make sure your OpenVPN server configuration contains: “status openvpn-status.log”. Now let’s start coding. First I made a table in the database.
DB Scheme:
MySQL |copy code |?
01 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stats` (02 `CommonName` text NOT NULL,03 `RealAddress` text NOT NULL,04 `BytesReceived` text NOT NULL,05 `BytesSent` text NOT NULL,06 `Since` text NOT NULL,07 `VirtualAddress` text NOT NULL,08 `LastRef` text NOT NULL,09 `updated` bigint(20) NOT NULL10 ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
Sorry for my dirty type choosing, this script was made in a hurry.
Then I made a cron that saves the stats:
PHP |copy code |?
01 <?
02 mysql_connect('localhost', 'openvpn', 'openvpn');03 mysql_select_db('openvpn');04 function parseLog ($log) {05 $handle = fopen($log, "r");06 $uid = 0;07 while (!feof($handle)) {08 $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);09 unset($match);10 if (ereg("^Updated,(.+)", $buffer, $match)) {11 $status['updated'] = $match[1];12 }
13 if (preg_match("/^(.+),(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\:\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(.+)$/", $buffer, $match)) {14 if ($match[1] <> "Common Name") {15 $cn = $match[1];16 17 $userlookup[$match[2]] = $uid;18 $status['users'][$uid]['CommonName'] = $match[1];19 $status['users'][$uid]['RealAddress'] = $match[2];20 $status['users'][$uid]['BytesReceived'] = $match[3];21 $status['users'][$uid]['BytesSent'] = $match[4];22 $status['users'][$uid]['Since'] = $match[5];23 $uid++;24 }
25 }
26 if (preg_match("/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+),(.+),(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\:\d+),(.+)$/", $buffer, $match)) {27 if ($match[1] <> "Virtual Address") {28 $address = $match[3];29 $uid = $userlookup[$address];30 $status['users'][$uid]['VirtualAddress'] = $match[1];31 $status['users'][$uid]['LastRef'] = $match[4];32 }
33 }
34 }
35 fclose($handle);36 return($status);37 }
38 function sizeformat($bytesize){39 $i=0;40 while(abs($bytesize) >= 1024){41 $bytesize=$bytesize/1024;42 $i++;43 if($i==4) break;44 }
45 $units = array("Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB");46 $newsize=round($bytesize,2);47 return("$newsize $units[$i]");48 }
49 $stats = parseLog("/etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log");50 foreach($stats['users'] as $user)51 {
52 if($user['CommonName'] != "UNDEF")53 {
54 $result = mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET updated = '".time()."', VirtualAddress = '".$user['VirtualAddress']."', BytesSent='".$user['BytesSent']."', BytesReceived='".$user['BytesReceived']."', LastRef='".$user['LastRef']."' WHERE CommonName='".$user['CommonName']."' AND Since='".$user['Since']."'") or die(mysql_error());55 echo mysql_affected_rows();56 if (mysql_affected_rows()==0) {57 $result = mysql_query("insert into stats (CommonName, RealAddress, BytesReceived, BytesSent, Since, VirtualAddress, LastRef) values ('".$user['CommonName']."', '".$user['RealAddress']."', '".$user['BytesReceived']."', '".$user['BytesSent']."', '".$user['Since']."', '".$user['VirtualAddress']."', '".$user['LastRef']."')");58 }
59 }
60 }
61 ?>
You have to edit the mysql details and the log location.
Here we insert the stats in the db, if the session start time and the client name is the same, it updates. If not, it inserts. We filter out UNDEF, UNDEF sometimes appears in the log, my guess is when the client isn’t fully connected yet.
Then I made a cron that saves the stats every minute:
PHP |copy code |?
1 * * * * * cd [cron location]; php cron.php
Replace [location] with the absolute folder to the cron, like /home/openvpn
I run the script every minute to prevent stats loss, but you could also do this less.
PHP |copy code |?
001 <?php
002 function parseLog ($log) {003 $handle = fopen($log, "r");004 $uid = 0;005 while (!feof($handle)) {006 $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);007 unset($match);008 if (ereg("^Updated,(.+)", $buffer, $match)) {009 $status['updated'] = $match[1];010 }
011 if (preg_match("/^(.+),(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\:\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(.+)$/", $buffer, $match)) {012 if ($match[1] <> "Common Name") {013 $cn = $match[1];014 $userlookup[$match[2]] = $uid;015 $status['users'][$uid]['CommonName'] = $match[1];016 $status['users'][$uid]['RealAddress'] = $match[2];017 $status['users'][$uid]['BytesReceived'] = sizeformat($match[3]);018 $status['users'][$uid]['BytesSent'] = sizeformat($match[4]);019 $status['users'][$uid]['Since'] = $match[5];020 $uid++;021 }
022 }
023 if (preg_match("/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+),(.+),(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\:\d+),(.+)$/", $buffer, $match)) {024 if ($match[1] <> "Virtual Address") {025 $address = $match[3];026 $uid = $userlookup[$address];027 $status['users'][$uid]['VirtualAddress'] = $match[1];028 $status['users'][$uid]['LastRef'] = $match[4];029 }
030 }
031 }
032 fclose($handle);033 return($status);034 }
035 function sizeformat($bytesize){036 $i=0;037 while(abs($bytesize) >= 1024){038 $bytesize=$bytesize/1024;039 $i++;040 if($i==4) break;041 }
042 $units = array("Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB");043 $newsize=round($bytesize,2);044 return("$newsize $units[$i]");045 }
046 $stats = parseLog("/etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log");047 echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><body><center>';048 echo '<h3>logged in users</h3><br>049 <table>
050 <tr style="font-weight: bold;" bgcolor="#888888">
051 <td>Common Name</td>
052 <td>Real Address</td>
053 <td>Virtual Address</td>
054 <td>Logged In At</td>
055 <td>Bytes Sent</td>
056 <td>Bytes Received</td>
057 <td>Last Activity</td>
058 </tr>
059 ';060 foreach($stats['users'] as $user)061 {
062 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">063 <td>'.$user['CommonName'].'</td>064 <td>'.$user['RealAddress'].'</td>065 <td>'.$user['VirtualAddress'].'</td>066 <td>'.$user['Since'].'</td>067 <td>'.$user['BytesReceived'].'</td>068 <td>'.$user['BytesSent'].'</td>069 <td>'.$user['LastRef'].'</td>070 </tr>';071 }
072 echo '073 </table>
074 <br>
075 <center>Live status Last Updated: <b>'.$stats['updated'].'076 </b>
077 ';078 mysql_connect('localhost', 'openvpn', 'openvpn');079 mysql_select_db('openvpn');080 echo '<h3>bandwidth totals - all time</h3><br>081 <table>
082 <tr style="font-weight: bold;" bgcolor="#888888">
083 <td>Common Name</td>
084 <td>Bytes Sent</td>
085 <td>Bytes Received</td>
086 </tr>
087 088 ';089 $result = mysql_query("SELECT sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats") or die(mysql_error());090 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {091 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">092 <td>Total</td>
093 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>094 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>095 </tr>';096 }
097 unset($result);098 $result = mysql_query("SELECT CommonName, sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats GROUP BY CommonName ORDER BY CommonName ASC") or die(mysql_error());099 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {100 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">101 <td>'.$row['CommonName'].'</td>102 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>103 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>104 </tr>';105 }
106 echo '107 </table>
108 ';109 110 111 unset($result);112 echo '<h3>bandwidth totals - Today</h3><br>113 <table>
114 <tr style="font-weight: bold;" bgcolor="#888888">
115 <td>Common Name</td>
116 <td>Bytes Sent</td>
117 <td>Bytes Received</td>
118 </tr>
119 120 ';121 $result = mysql_query("SELECT sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE LastRef LIKE '%".date("M")." ".date("j")."%".date("Y")."%'") or die(mysql_error());122 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {123 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">124 <td>Total</td>
125 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>126 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>127 </tr>';128 }
129 unset($result);130 $result = mysql_query("SELECT CommonName, sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE LastRef LIKE '%".date("M")." ".date("j")."%".date("Y")."%' GROUP BY CommonName ") or die(mysql_error());131 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {132 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">133 <td>'.$row['CommonName'].'</td>134 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>135 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>136 </tr>';137 }
138 echo '139 </table>
140 ';141 142 143 unset($result);144 echo '<h3>bandwidth totals - last 7 days</h3><br>145 <table>
146 <tr style="font-weight: bold;" bgcolor="#888888">
147 <td>Common Name</td>
148 <td>Bytes Sent</td>
149 <td>Bytes Received</td>
150 </tr>
151 152 ';153 $like = "LastRef LIKE '%".date("M")." ".date("j")."%".date("Y")."%'";154 for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)155 {
156 $like .= " OR LastRef LIKE '%".date("M",strtotime("-".($i+1)." day"))." ".date("j",strtotime("-".($i+1)." day"))."%".date("Y",strtotime("-".($i+1)." day"))."%'";157 }
158 $result = mysql_query("SELECT sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE ".$like."") or die(mysql_error());159 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {160 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">161 <td>Total</td>
162 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>163 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>164 </tr>';165 }
166 unset($result);167 $result = mysql_query("SELECT CommonName, sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE ".$like." GROUP BY CommonName ") or die(mysql_error());168 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {169 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">170 <td>'.$row['CommonName'].'</td>171 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>172 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>173 </tr>';174 }
175 echo '176 </table>
177 ';178 179 unset($result);180 echo '<h3>bandwidth totals - This month</h3><br>181 <table>
182 <tr style="font-weight: bold;" bgcolor="#888888">
183 <td>Common Name</td>
184 <td>Bytes Sent</td>
185 <td>Bytes Received</td>
186 </tr>
187 188 ';189 $result = mysql_query("SELECT sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE LastRef LIKE '%".date("M")."%".date("Y")."%'") or die(mysql_error());190 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {191 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">192 <td>Total</td>
193 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>194 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>195 </tr>';196 }
197 unset($result);198 $result = mysql_query("SELECT CommonName, sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE LastRef LIKE '%".date("M")."%".date("Y")."%' GROUP BY CommonName ") or die(mysql_error());199 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {200 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">201 <td>'.$row['CommonName'].'</td>202 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>203 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>204 </tr>';205 }
206 echo '207 </table>
208 ';209 210 unset($result);211 echo '<h3>bandwidth totals - This year</h3><br>212 <table>
213 <tr style="font-weight: bold;" bgcolor="#888888">
214 <td>Common Name</td>
215 <td>Bytes Sent</td>
216 <td>Bytes Received</td>
217 </tr>
218 219 ';220 $result = mysql_query("SELECT sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE LastRef LIKE '%".date("Y")."%'") or die(mysql_error());221 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {222 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">223 <td>Total</td>
224 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>225 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>226 </tr>';227 }
228 unset($result);229 $result = mysql_query("SELECT CommonName, sum(BytesSent) as 'totalsend', sum(BytesReceived) as 'totalreceived' FROM stats WHERE LastRef LIKE '%".date("Y")."%' GROUP BY CommonName ") or die(mysql_error());230 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {231 echo '<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">232 <td>'.$row['CommonName'].'</td>233 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalreceived']).'</td>234 <td>'.sizeformat($row['totalsend']).'</td>235 </tr>';236 }
237 echo '238 </table>
239 ';240 echo '</center></body></html>';241 ?>
Edit the database details and log location here too, and you’re done. I advise to protect the folder with a .htaccess+.htpasswd or some simple php login.
Sorry for my dirty code, but hey, it works.
Would you be willing to rewrite this to the current versions of php/mysql ?
I tried it but keep on failing. I replaced mysql_ to mysqli_ ereg to preg_match but now ending up with fgets and feof errors 🙂
Cheers Paul
Hi Paul,
Sure, but I can imagine the openvpn logs format have been changed since 2011, maybe you can send me a sample?